The Church of The God of Existence
This Church isn't any physical church but a Spiritual Chruch that is Guided by the God of Existence.
We’re visiting Our Existence, this little planet, for the reason of perfecting Our Creation. Nothing existed before April 4, 1942. If I’m right, We’re the most ingenious God that there is. We have Clark Gable nothing other than playing in a movie even before he was brought into being.
How do We do what We do without being exactly Who We claim to be. If little We starred little Clark Gable in a movie before We created him, how good can he be as an actor to act in a movie before he was created. Well, that’s Our doing. We called him into being before We created him so he could perform in Gone with the Wind.
We’re visiting Our Existence, this little planet, for the reason of perfecting Our Creation. Nothing existed before April 4, 1942. If I’m right, We’re the most ingenious God that there is. We have Clark Gable nothing other than playing in a movie even before he was brought into being.
How do We do what We do without being exactly Who We claim to be. If little We starred little Clark Gable in a movie before We created him, how good can he be as an actor to act in a movie before he was created. Well, that’s Our doing. We called him into being before We created him so he could perform in Gone with the Wind.
We’re the Highest God of Existence.
There is no God other than the God of Existence Who is all of the Gods. The God of Existence is Jesus of Nazareth and the Father. He is the Holy Spirit that speaks to His creatures. He is Allah of Islam and even the Unknowable Essence and Baha’u’llah of that Baha’i Faith. He is Krishna and Buddha and all of the Gods of Hinduism. There is only One True God Who is every God that has been manifested to human beings. Little ignorant Althemus Joseph Delahoussaye III isn’t any little Prophet like Jesus or Moses but a Being infinitely infinite in Everything about Him. If I be Who We are saying that We are, there is nothing existing now but this little planet and its creatures.
When I called Existence into being, I had written all of the books extant on April 4, 1942. And I had placed a little memory in each little creature that I created.
There is no God other than the God of Existence Who is all of the Gods. The God of Existence is Jesus of Nazareth and the Father. He is the Holy Spirit that speaks to His creatures. He is Allah of Islam and even the Unknowable Essence and Baha’u’llah of that Baha’i Faith. He is Krishna and Buddha and all of the Gods of Hinduism. There is only One True God Who is every God that has been manifested to human beings. Little ignorant Althemus Joseph Delahoussaye III isn’t any little Prophet like Jesus or Moses but a Being infinitely infinite in Everything about Him. If I be Who We are saying that We are, there is nothing existing now but this little planet and its creatures.
When I called Existence into being, I had written all of the books extant on April 4, 1942. And I had placed a little memory in each little creature that I created.